Karaoke Music / Chansons English-2 / Billy Field - Bad Habits

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

Can't help myself
bad habits
I'm runnin' wild lost control

And it's a shame to see
that a boy like me
has got so many bad habits

Well I'm off the rails
My resistance fails
Temptation's got a hold on me

And I can't refuse
Because I always lose

Can't help myself
Bad habits

Well it just ain't right
But it's something I can't fight
I can't stop going

out and having fun
Well I tried to be good
But I knew I never could

'Cause I've got more bad habits
than anyone
All of these bad habits

All of these bad habits

When I get the urge
I've just got to splurge
I'm a slave to all

My desires
Well I'm in a mess

Because I can't repress
All of these bad habits

Can't help myself
bad habits
I'm runnin' wild lost control

And it's a shame to see
that a boy like me
has got so many bad habits

Well it just ain't right
But it's something I can't fight
I can't stop going

out and having fun
Well I tried to be good
But I knew I never could

'Cause I've got more bad habits
than anyone
All of these bad habits

All of these bad habits
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